How To Fill In TOEIC Answer Sheet?
1. What is TOEIC answer sheet?
In the Toeic test, candidates are not allowed to write answers directly on the booklet. They will be given answer sheets to do that.
The TOEIC answer sheet must be completely written in pencil in all sections including personal information and the answer section. In particular, you need to pay attention to the answer section because your answer sheet will be scanned by machine.
2. How to fill in the Toeic answer sheet?
Toeic answer sheet sample
Instructions on how to fill in the Toeic answer sheet
- Name
At the arrow, using one box for each letter, print your last (family/surname) name(s) in the first area. If you have more than one last (family/surname) name, leave a space between names. In the second area, print your first (given) name(s). Below each box, fill in the circle containing the same letter. If your name includes any accent marks, fill these in using the circles above the boxes.
- Sex
If you are a man, fill in “M”. If you are a woman, fill in “F”
- Country code
Write your country code and then fill in the circles containing the same numbers.
- Language code
Write your language code and then fill in the circles containing the same numbers.
- Identification number
Write your identification number from left to right and then fill in the circles containing the same numbers.
- Date of birth
Write your date of birth in the order of month, day, and year (You need to use 2 digits for day and month and 4 digits for year. If the day or month has one digit, you must add “0” before it. For example, if your date of birth is September 5th, 1998, you must write 09/05/1998.
Then, you need to fill in the circles containing the same numbers.
- Job – Organization – City
Write your job, organization, and city.
- Testing location – City
Write testing location and city.
- Test book serial number
The test book serial number is printed on the cover page of the booklet. Write that serial number in section 9.
- 10 & 12.
You do not need to fill in these two section
- Questionnaire responses
You fill in answers to the Toeic background questionnaire in this section.
- Signature and date
Copy the statement “I hereby agree to the conditions set forth online at and/or Examinee Handbook and certify that I am the person whose name appears on this answer sheet”.
Then, sign your name and write the date in the order of month, day, and year.
3. Notes for filling in answers on the answer sheet
– Don’t need to mark your answers too boldly. Before starting to take the test, you will be given a pencil and an answer sheet. Pencils are quite bold, hence, you don’t need to mark your answer boldly.
– Don’t erase too much: When filling in answers on the answer sheet, don’t erase too much because it can make it difficult for the grading machine to recognize your answers.
– Keep the answer sheet straight and clean: A crumpled answer sheet will also make it difficult for the grading machine to realize your answer. Therefore, you need to keep your answer sheet straight and clean.
Visit our website to get a free Toeic practice test for your coming exam!