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1. An introduction to the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing test

The TOEIC® Speaking and Writing assessments serve as credible evaluations of English-language speaking and writing proficiency in professional settings, especially in the working environment:
- Speaking: presentations, communication, meetings and teleconferencing skills
- Writing: evaluate the crafting of clear and persuasive emails, as well as other forms of business correspondence
Thus, proficiency in Speaking and Writing skills brings you manifold benefits, not only to score high on the TOEIC® Test but also in the workplace as well.

2. TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests format and content

You can choose to do the Speaking and Writing tests alone or do them together. If you take them together with the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, you'll be evaluated on all four communication skills in English. Here are the content of the tests:

2.1. TOEIC® Speaking test format

The TOEIC® Speaking test consists of 11 tasks and takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The tasks are divided into sections:
- Tasks 1–2: Read a text aloud - Test-takers read a text displayed on the screen
- Tasks 3-4: Describe a picture -Test-takers look at a picture on the screen and describe it based on specific prompts
- Tasks 5-10: Respond to questions: Test-takers respond to questions related to a conversation or a talk
- Task 11: Express an opinion: Test-takers prepare a question and express their opinion in 60 seconds 

2.2. TOEIC® Writing test format 

The TOEIC® Writing test comprises 8 tasks and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete:
- Tasks 1- 5: Write sentences based on pictures - Test-takers will be given 2 words or phrases and need to use them in a sentence 
- Tasks 6-7: Write an answer to a business-related problem - Test-takers respond to a work-related situation by writing a memo or an email
- Task 8: Write an opinion essay - Test-takers are required to write a 300-word essay expressing and supporting their opinion on a given topic.

To make the structure clear, take a look at the table below: 

Parts Questions Task Description
Speaking 1-2 Read a text aloud 45 seconds to prepare
45 seconds to read the text out loud
3-4 Describe a picture Describe the picture on the screen
45 seconds to prepare a response
30 seconds to speak about the picture
5-10 Respond to questions

Part 1:
3 seconds per question to prepare a response.
15 seconds to respond to questions 5 and 6
30 seconds to respond to question 7

Part 2:
45 seconds to read the information
3 seconds per question to prepare 
15 seconds to respond to questions 8 and 9
Question 10 will be asked two times
30 seconds to respond to question 10

11 Express an opinion 45 seconds to prepare a response
60 seconds to speak
Writing 1-5 Write a sentence based on a picture With each picture, you’ll be given two words or phrases that you need to use in a sentence.
You can change the forms of the words and use the words in any order.
6-7 Respond to a written request Show how well you can write email responses.
10 minutes to read and answer each email.
8 Write an opinion essay Write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue.
Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.


3. Practice the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing test online with TOEIC® Test Pro 

TOEIC® Test Pro is a perfect platform that offers learners various benefits in the TOEIC® test preparation including: 
- Abundant TOEIC® speaking and writing practice tests: Access over 3000 practice questions, selected by expert tutors to help you practice thoroughly before test day
- Personalized Roadmap: Identify your strengths and areas that may need improvement. This personalized insight enables you to tailor your study plan, focusing on areas where you need to enhance your skills.
- Real-time Feedback: Receive instant feedback on your performance in not only the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing test but also other parts of the test. This feedback highlights correct answers and provides explanations for solutions, offering valuable insights to learn from mistakes and refine your test-taking strategies.
- Adaptation to Computer-Based Testing: Practice the TOEIC® test online to familiarize yourself with the computer-based format. This includes navigation and the use of on-screen tools, ensuring you are well-prepared for the actual exam.

Explore the amazing features now with the TOEIC test online!

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